Monday, February 2, 2009

Discussing the previous Five Questions.....

1. Why have you added fitness to your lifestyle?
Like Sarah B., I too had a baby last year and want to lose the baby fat, plus weight that I already had to begin with. I want to get in shape and just feel, physically fit. I've always been a little overweight, but never like what I am right now. I decided it's time to make a change, not only for me, but for my son, Mason, and my husband, Phil.

2.Who/What inspires you?
To be honest, Sarah B. you do. Just reading your blog, and seeing how you made exercise/running part of your everyday life. You speak so highly of the success you feel after running 8 or more miles.
Also, since I've started my walk/run program, Phil has been inspiring me with his encouraging words.
What: Just knowing that I would feel so much better by losing this weight and being in good physical shape. The image of playing, outdoors with Mason this summer and not being out of breath!

3. What do you find challenging about finding the time to fit in a workout?
Everything. During this past week when I got home from work and picking up Mason, which is around 5:30, I would usually go straight to the treadmill, to just go ahead and get the workout over with. Because I found if I don't do it as soon as I get home, I won't do it. (Mason is my cheerleader, as he plays and watches me on the treadmill.) The weekends are not as bad. The past two Saturdays, I've waited until Mason takes his morning nap, to do my walking/running. My goal would be, to get up earlier in the morning and do my exercise routine, so that when I get home, it's already done.
If anybody has any tips on budgeting a working mom's/wife's time, please advise.

4. What is the best part of working out?
The feeling of accomplishment. "I did it."

5. Do you workout/run/walk, etc. to music? What is your favorite song(s)?
When I'm outside I don't listen to any music, although, purchasing an IPOD did cross my mind this weekend. When I'm inside on the treadmill, I have the radio on 92.9. I did find when a really good song came on, I had a little more pep in my step.

A question I would like to add:
6. What do you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that fits a healthier lifestyle?
I too am not on a diet, but I am interested in any recipes you might have for making a quick, easy, healthy dinner. Also, what do you try to eat for lunch that's healthy, but filling? Any suggestions are appreciated!

Keep Running!!!!!!We Can Do It!!!!!!


  1. Girl! Well, you inspire me. Mostly because, like you and Rachel, I was there just a year ago- it doesn't take long for fitness to become just as part of your routine as brushing your teeth.

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey and for the words of encouragement. This group is amazing.

    Have you signed up for the Mule Day 5k yet?
    Patrick is coming with me!

  2. When is the Mule Day 5K?
