Thursday, February 5, 2009

5 Questions- Brady W.

1. Why have you added fitness to your lifestyle?
Fitness has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I played sports as a kid and continued playing football into adulthood. When my football career ended, I was left with a void. I needed to find some way for me to keep active, relieve stress and to push myself. I was also anxious to drop approx. 50 lbs of weight that I was required to carry as an offensive lineman. It was then, about 4 years ago that I started to run. Since then I have completed 4 full marathons and 10 half-marathons.

2. Who/What inspires you?
My kids inspire me to stay active. I want to set an example of the benefits of running and fitness. I also wanna be hot for my wife. : )

3. What do you find challenging about finding the time to fit in a workout?
I am married with 3 young children and work 50 hours a week. I do however, have to run because it is my release and without it, I am grumpy.

4. What is the best part about working out?
I do a lot of my running during my lunch hour. When I come back from a long run, I am so rejuvenated. It clears my mind, gives me energy and I can almost feel the stress melting away. I feel like I am much more productive at work after a run.

5. Do you workout/run/walk, etc. to music? What is your favorite song(s)?
Sometimes I bring my ipod and other times I use the runs for networking. On any given day, I may run with 5-10 different people. When I do listen to music, I like bluegrass on my runs and Stevie Ray Vaughn.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Brady! Thank you so much for sharing.
