Monday, January 26, 2009

Don't forget to cross train!

When I first started running (9 months ago), I used as a tool to understanding a training schedule.

The calendar basically had me running/walking three days a week (which I still follow) with the off days labeled as XT/Rest. I figured, sweet- rest four days a week!

No. XT= Cross Train. They just throw in "rest" to make sure you choose a day to take off.

Now that I am cross training, I can really feel the difference- especially my endurance level. Cross training basically means choose any exercise besides cardio to do the days you aren't running. If you aren't running or walking- say, if you're doing yoga three times a week, then you can mix it up by adding cardio and so on.

There are plenty of other cross training ideas on Runner's World (here is a sample for beginner core strengthening)- free weights, yoga, spinning... And you can pretty much adapt any gym workout to your own living room. No weights? Dig in your pantry for some canned foods- no kidding- that's what I do!

And try browsing You Tube for some workout videos. If you have a fitness channel, turn it on between your favorite shows in the evenings. Or do some stretches and jumping jacks between commercials- By the time you've watched an hour-long show, you could burn 200-400 calories!!! That's at least half your dinner.

On the marathon training front, I ran 11 miles with a group on Saturday. It really makes a difference running with several people- and I got lucky meeting up with a group who has been running together for about six years! I am getting great input from these guys and gals and it makes the run go by so fast.

How are ya'll doing? How is the training coming?

Sarah B.


Mom, Sarah B. and E at the Germantown Bier Run 5K

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