Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Marathoner's Q&A

A friend suggested I do a Q&A about my marathon experience- especially as a first-timer.

So, ask away- Questions about hydration, bathroom breaks on the run, what I ate the night before... I will answer anything. I still can't believe I ran 26.2 Saturday.

And yes, I'll run another one. Hopefully the St. Jude Memphis Full (I did the St. Jude half last year) next December.

Thank you to my dad for documenting this day. UNBELIEVABLE.


  1. go you. Congrats on this HUGE success! I hope that in a couple years I too can say that I've completed a marathon :)

  2. THANK YOU! You can do it, girl. It only took me a year, and I really didn't know I was going to do it until December. If I can do it, anyone can.

  3. 1. How tight do you lace up your shoes?

    2. What do you eat before you run and how soon before you run do you eat?

    3. What do you think about for FOUR to FIVE hours while you're running?

    4. How do you keep your pace reasonable and not go all crazy fast at the beginning when you're excited?

  4. Hello Mrs.
    1. Shoes are reasonably tight- not cutting off the blood supply.

    2. I eat oatmeal and/or a banana and/or a peanut butter and honey sandwich about 30 minutes to an hour before I run (I eat more of those things if I am going to be running super long).

    3. While running FOUR or FIVE miles- I only really think the first hour or so- about the fact that know so many people who can't run because they are sitting with their premature baby boy or are pregnant with cancer or are injured. I think about how amazing my body is to be able to continue to carry me for almost 30 miles... then, after about two hours, it is autopilot. My mind is wonderfully blank and empty of thought. It is fabulous (not to mention, I'm getting a fab runner's high at that point).

    4. It is hard not to get all crazy in the beginning, but if you're running a crowded race, it isn't hard- it is too crowded to run fast... But, seriously- "pace yourself," rings true.

    Maybe you will never run for five hours- maybe your body is the 30-minute type or the hour type- the similarities are still there- you are doing something the majority of people don't do and you are doing it for YOU. :)

  5. OK since nobody else is asking I need to know how and where you use the restroom during the race? Or do you?

  6. Hee Hee:

  7. Lots of porta johns and lots of folks squatting (not me). I had to visit the johns twice.
