Monday, April 20, 2009

Remember why you are running.

Again, I am a novice like everyone else but here are a few simple reminders and thoughts about marathons. KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. That is the motto of my life as I have always tried to keep things simple and this includes running. Leave the heart rate monitor at home (unless you have a condition that requires monitoring). Leave the headphones and iPod at home, enjoy the pain that lingers between your ears for 5 hours. The emotional rollar coaster, that produces troughs of self doubt will be followed by peaks of euphoric pleasure, should be experienced with little distraction. Leave the fuel belts behind. There will be plenty of fluids on the course and you can have family members carry the load for you. Don't wear a watch. If this is your first marathon (I am talking to you Sarah B.) all you should worry about is crossing a line at 26.2. Think light. Shoes, socks, shirt, shorts, hat, and sunglasses. Wait, include nipple guards and something to prevent chaffing as well ;)

Good luck to those of you who are running this weekend and please enjoy your experience!


  1. This is AWESOME! Thank you veteran Brady.
    I love it. Just so y'all know, Brady has offered to run me in from 11-20. Awesome. Suddenly I'm not as worried (that could also be b/c he offered to bring me a tequila shot...)
