Monday, January 25, 2010

The blog heard around the world

I am adding this post to ALL IN STRIDE because it needs to be known and because it gives me credibility- HA!

Last week, my status on facebook read: "Sarah B. Gilliam has found the fountain of youth."

A couple of friends commented and it didn't take me long to come up with an answer.

And this isn't some crazy Biggest Loser story- I wasn't 600 pounds or something, just unhealthy and not living life to the fullest, but I'm getting there. And you're helping me.

It isn't enough to live- you always enjoy
life more when you have someone there to experience it with you. You can quote me on that.

Now, onto my facebook note:

the fountain of youth discovery, explained:
Maybe you remember my status a couple weeks back- overwhelmed, tired, sinking, etc...
Here, I found it (Jan. 9):
"Sarah B. Gilliam can NOT get motivated (in general). It's easy to cheerlead for everyone else."

Well WATCH OUT, 'cause I'm about to TESTIFY!!! (can I get an AMEN)

First, the back story:

As of 2006-07, I was SMOKING about a pack and a half a day, sipping Sun Drops (it's a southern thing for you northerners reading) and eating my FAVORITE thing in the world: China King Buffet.

Slowly, I started cutting all of that out of my life- I quit smoking with the support of my awesome hubby, Patrick (we both smoked for about 10 years at the point), and then I started brainwashing myself BACK to choosing the RIGHT things to eat - and making those things taste yummy instead of tasting like a big, nasty rice cake- gag.

Then, I got preggers (that was NOT a part of my diet/weight loss plan), SO, I kind of fell of the wagon, which, if you're planning a family, may I suggest not going into it while NOT feeling your best... while I loved being pregnant, I did not love being FAT and pregnant. Who does??

Baby Jack arrived in January of 2008, and I had HAD ENOUGH. I was fat, pregnant fat and it was mid-winter. YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!

*****************TURNING POINT IN OUR STORY*********************

Around month 2 of parenthood (Feb-March) I got back on the healthy plan - not some fad diet, not a crazy, serious health plan- just a normal diet with normal splurges. I bought a cheap jogging stroller on craigslist, bundled that little sprout up, and I have never looked back.

Eating Well: Healthy in a Hurry
Cooking Light Weeknight
GOOGLE: light chicken recipes, easy chili, blah, blah, blah
NO NO NO NO NO NO FAST FOOD (if I have to, Subway, granola bars in the car)

Think you missed the part where I got back into the gym, back with a trainer, back to Kettle Bells? No. I had never EXERCISED IN MY LIFE. I still have NEVER been to a gym, done pilates, whatever- I'm sure that's great, but I have a limited amount of time and a limited budget.

I went to Fleet Feet.
I bought shoes.
I started running using this Website ONLY:

Then, I got the crazy idea I'd run a marathon. And I did.
That's another story, which you can read here:

And for goodness sake, you DO NOT have to run a marathon!!! You don't have to RUN!
30 minutes a day is a great start- on your bike, on your feet, in a pool. Cut out that sitcom and walk around your yard, your parking lot, your neighborhood, your park.

The fountain of youth = exercise and diet.
Really, really.
You don't have to take it from me:

OK, more TMI time. I have been blue, blah, bummed for about two or three months, and when it came down to it, I looked at my calendar and saw that I hadn't ran since October.
I have been out three times this week, and you know that psycho cleaning mood you get in? You know the one- yeah, I've been high on that feeling EVERY DAY THIS WEEK.

I am glad you hung in there to read this. I've never really felt like sharing this little story with everyone, but when you feel this good, it is hard not to want to share :)
Maybe this will inspire someone who is blue, or someone who is tired of fast food.. I just hope my story shows that if a smoker, chinese-buffet eating, couch potato can do it, you can, too.

Thanks for 'listening.'


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