Monday, March 2, 2009

Mix it up!

Now that I am technically a long-distance runner, I have found that the same ole running paths get a little old.

Percy Warner Park (Google Images)

This week, our running group (which, if you don't know the story there- I stalked them on the Greenway in Murfreesboro and have been running with them ever since- about two months now)... anyway, we're going to Percy Warner Park to do some hill training.

On my Runners World training schedule, I'm supposed to log 18 miles Saturday, but if you've been to Percy Warner, you know why I won't need to put in quite that much. This park has the hills, folks. OH Man.

For any of you running the Country Music Marathon this year, their Web site lists Percy Warner as a great place to run. They also list several other places to check out.

And I can't emphasize enough the benefit of finding a group to run with. Running has become a very important part of my life, and I am lucky to share it with folks who feel the same way. They are a great source of encouragement, support and expertise.

There are runners EVERYWHERE. Find a buddy and get out there!
Sarah B.


  1. ouch! Sounds like those hills might leave you a bit sore the next day :)

  2. BTW I hope you don't mind, but I 'borrowed' the 5k euro sticker. If its an issue, please don't hesitate to tell me. Let me know if I need to give credit to anyone.

  3. getting lost can add some interest to your run as well .... instead of wondering how far you've gone, suddenly you're wondering,"How the hell do we find our way back to the car?" Time just seems to take on a completely different meaning ...

  4. Speaking of PERCY WARNER PARK...

    Ellie's Run For Africa
    Saturday, June 13th, 2009
    5K Cross-Country Run and Family Fun Day
    (plus a 1 mile fun run)

    Just putting it on the radar.
    I'll be back with more soon!
