Sunday, March 8, 2009

No Mercy Park

I'm sure this just looks like a small rise in the road, but imagine if you will: You are rounding the bend, and the hill continues... for another mile. The cruelst twist on the Percy Warner course comes at mile 9, which is the longest climb of the course.

Before the trek to Nashville, Amy and I decided to put in four miles at the Greenway in Murfreesboro before heading to conquer Percy Warner Park's 11.6-mile loop of doom.

This was the hardest run I have ever attempted, and it is my fault. I am training in the flattest part of Tennessee. This is just another reason why cross training is so important. My butt will be in the gym next week for sure.

Another lesson learned on this trip was the importance of hydration. It was 75 degrees Saturday, so having water on-hand was a must (especially since the park has no water fountains). Also a must- sugar. Either through Gu or jelly beans or something. You are going to need that extra burst of energy on this kind of run.

I am BEAT, but that was fun!

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