Thursday, March 12, 2009

From Non-Runner to Runner

Transitioning from Non-Runner to Runner, You might find yourself:

1. Trying to put phrases like "I like to move it, move it", "Shake it girl, make sure you don't break it girl", and "Lollipop, don't mistake me for a sucker" into everyday sentences.

2. Wondering if you can dress up your black running tights for a night out on the town.

3. Realizing your calf is no longer a cankle.

4. Eating candy as an excuse to carb load. This works pretty well, actually.

5. Drinking beer more for the same reason!

6. Standing at the door with laces tied, ipod on waiting for the husband to pull into the driveway, then sprinting like your rear was on fire, never looking back. (this one only happens if there are small children behind you wailing).

7. Sounding like an old timer waiting in line at the co-op as you exclaim on extrememly cold days, "well, seems like good runnin' weather to me."

8. Thinking your stairs need oiling...oh wait, thats your KNEES!

9. Rationalizing that one finger held over a nostril while exterting force out the other to alleviate tissues is totally long as your running while doing it.

10. Musing that bathing suit season might not make you cry this year. But running in 90 degree TN summer might.

11. Debating putting Sports Beans in your kid's easter basket just for entertainment.

12. Not showering as much, 'cause you're just gonna run anyway.

13. Staring at your odometer as you drive down the road and thinking, "oh crap, I will still not be done running the half!"

14. Running the half and thinking, "I just ran the equivalent of my house to Saturn Parkway." Sweet.

15. Accomplishing something for yourself. Finally.


  1. Rachel, this is awesome. I'm posting it to my Facebook page, too. YOU HIT IT RIGHT ON!!!! It is so much fun to know runners are all on the same page.

  2. Inspiring! I'm getting there slowly, but surely.

  3. way to put things into perspective!
