Thursday, February 4, 2010

Letting it Rest.

I don't know if anyone else has this problem.  I would LOVE some feedback on it.  So, everyone has their story, Yes.  And their physical limitations.  How do you all know when to let yourself have space and time to  rest?  How do you know when you have hit a roadblock that requires you to be a little kinder on yourself, or just an imaginary block that just needs you to bust on through?  

Personally, I am super frustrated at the moment at the fact that my body's idea of what I need to be doing and my brain's idea of what I need to be doing do not match up.  Anyone have suggestions for how to process this?

What to do when you are eating right, fully hydrated, running, yoga-ing, trying to sleep right- and still find yourself completely spent?


  1. Ok so I can completely empathize with this. For the entire year last year my 200+ pound body refused to lose weight. I was working out 6 days/week for 2 hrs, eating perfect, and all the stuff that one would need to shed the pounds like crazy yet most weeks I'd come up goose eggs. I cross trained and kept up with my yoga and switched up my foods and exercises to keep it fresh...I got so frustrated I tried accupuncture, had all my blood work checked, saw a nutritionist etc....literally everything. I wasn't going to give up but I certainly felt like a prisoner in my own body. And, to a certain extent I'm still feeling that way because I'm a "granola girl" at heart now, but still have the body of a "fast food junkie."

    I am still working on getting my body to catch up with my brain but right now I'm trying to find the balance in the tiny victories like my new leg muscles from running. Sure the thigh area is still full of jiggles but I can SEE a muscle now....same with my arms...I joke that it looks like skin melting off a "GUN SHOW worthy bicep" because I have these muscles building under my fast food body...So this "granola girl" just pictures the "fast food body" slowly melting off and hopefully one day that will actually happen ;)

    Not a lot of help I know but just know that you're not the only feels awful but find those awesome little moments where you're in sync and hold onto them during the really bad days!

  2. I too can empathize with you. After having my first child and trying to get the weight off, I was eating great and exercising like crazy. I lost a couple of pounds but very quickly it stalled and I was losing nothing. I started to lose heart b/c I was working so hard and putting in so much effort. I NEEDED results! I met with a nutritionist pretty quickly, as I wanted to find an answer quick and felt like that was a good start. She determined pretty quickly that I was consuming too few calories and it was having the reverse effect. My body was in starvation mode. I was not consuming enough for the average day, but add to that my workouts and I had a HUGE deficit. I had no idea b/c I was definitely eating! With that big deficit, my body was holding on to every ounce of weight because it wasn't getting enough. I figured out how many calories I needed and immediately was back to losing the weight and had it off within 8 weeks of giving birth.

    So, do you know if you are eating enough calories?
    Some other things to consider:
    Any medications or birth control that you have introduced to your body recently?
    Have you tried changing your exercise routine? Sometimes we hit plateaus and all we need is to give our body a good jolt by changing it up. If you are in good shape already, trying something intense might help get it going, such as kickboxing, a boot camp, interval training.
    Stress also inhibits weight loss in a major way for some people.
    Fiber is great for aiding in weight loss. Try making it a point to eat high fiber foods or more of them. They are harder to digest and thus burn more calories in the process. They also help keep you feeling full longer and help with keeping us regular which is another component to consistent weight loss.
    And lastly, try keeping a food journal. I've done this in the past and it is a great tool. I've heard that Carrie Underwood swears this is how she keeps her weight in check. Sometimes we underestimate what we are consuming. A pat of butter here, a piece of candy here, a slice of cheese on the sandwich, half and half in the coffee etc. It adds up easily and quickly. So many people (including myself) think their diet is great, and then when they write it all on paper they see it's not as they thought.

    Those are some things to try/think about off the top of my head. I hope you find your answer soon b/c I know how frustrating it is to work hard and not see the results that you deserve!

  3. Okay so just reread your post. Are you frustrated at your lack of results or that you are too tired?

    If you are mentally and or physically tired, I'd try taking a short break from your routine and then picking up where you left off. Definitely listen to your body. :)

  4. Thanks for the imput Ladies. Right now, I am just EXHausted. Not so worried about pounds or what not- just not having the mojo to keep doing what I'm doing. I am thinking that you may be right about not eating enough...
    I few years ago I saw a nutritionist (do you remember Blaze from the Original American Gladiators? She's now a nutritionist. For real).
    She had me on a program where I had four hundred calories every four hours with the bulk of that coming from lean proteins. 26 grams I believe. She told me to think about stoking a fire- and that 100 calories bought you an hour of heat, so to speak. It worked pretty well when I was tracking it- writing it all down. I also have tried going wheat free, which felt good. Things to reassess.
    I know my thyroid is good- I'm diabetic- and I see my endocrinologist next week, which is good.
    Thanks again for the ideas ladies... I'll let you know how it goes.
