Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weekend Plans

I have learned of a few activites that are going on this weekend that I wanted to pass along.

The 8th Annual Walk in Their Shoes 5K
Nashville, Tn
March 28, 2009
This 5K is designed as a fundraiser for The Sexual Assault Center.

Here is a link to the form to fill out. It says that registration is due by March 20th, but I bet they are willing to take more people the day of the race. Just call Rachel Lang at 615-259-9055 ext. 324 for more information.

Below you will find a link directly to their website for more information on such a great cause!

Earth Hour Flashlight Hike
Nashville, Tn
March 28, 2009

For one hour this Saturday the lights of Downtown Nashville will be turned off to conincide with Earth Hour. This hike is a family and dog friendly event! Just meet at LP Filed at 8P and don't forget your flashlight!

Here is the link for more information:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Running vs. Walking 13.1 miles

I knew that I couldn't run 13.1 miles. However, walking was a completely different story. Especially when the Country Music Marathon gave you 4 hours to complete 13.1 miles. Here is a list of other full and half marathons that welcome walkers.,7120,s6-239-281--13041-0,00.html?cm_mmc=beginner-_-2009_02_25-_-beginner-_-TRAINING%3a%20Run-Walk%2026.2%20

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Donate Your Old Shoes

I found this article on Runner's World website and I wanted to pass it along. The link will take you to are several different organizations who will take your old athletic shoes. What a great way to give your old shoes a new life! Not to mention that donating your old shoes will help you feel not as guilty when purchasing the new pair that cost over $100. (I can just about justify anything!) Let me share a few of my favorite organizations.

Soles4Souls is located in Franklin, TN. They donate shoes to people in need after a natural disaster.
Nike Reuse-A-Shoe grinds up the rubber on your old shoes to make playgrounds safer for kids.
The Shoe Bank accepts donations of children's shoes.
Of course if none of these charities spark your interest there is always Goodwill.,7120,s6-240-323--10041-0,00.html

Thursday, March 12, 2009

From Non-Runner to Runner

Transitioning from Non-Runner to Runner, You might find yourself:

1. Trying to put phrases like "I like to move it, move it", "Shake it girl, make sure you don't break it girl", and "Lollipop, don't mistake me for a sucker" into everyday sentences.

2. Wondering if you can dress up your black running tights for a night out on the town.

3. Realizing your calf is no longer a cankle.

4. Eating candy as an excuse to carb load. This works pretty well, actually.

5. Drinking beer more for the same reason!

6. Standing at the door with laces tied, ipod on waiting for the husband to pull into the driveway, then sprinting like your rear was on fire, never looking back. (this one only happens if there are small children behind you wailing).

7. Sounding like an old timer waiting in line at the co-op as you exclaim on extrememly cold days, "well, seems like good runnin' weather to me."

8. Thinking your stairs need oiling...oh wait, thats your KNEES!

9. Rationalizing that one finger held over a nostril while exterting force out the other to alleviate tissues is totally long as your running while doing it.

10. Musing that bathing suit season might not make you cry this year. But running in 90 degree TN summer might.

11. Debating putting Sports Beans in your kid's easter basket just for entertainment.

12. Not showering as much, 'cause you're just gonna run anyway.

13. Staring at your odometer as you drive down the road and thinking, "oh crap, I will still not be done running the half!"

14. Running the half and thinking, "I just ran the equivalent of my house to Saturn Parkway." Sweet.

15. Accomplishing something for yourself. Finally.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

No Mercy Park

I'm sure this just looks like a small rise in the road, but imagine if you will: You are rounding the bend, and the hill continues... for another mile. The cruelst twist on the Percy Warner course comes at mile 9, which is the longest climb of the course.

Before the trek to Nashville, Amy and I decided to put in four miles at the Greenway in Murfreesboro before heading to conquer Percy Warner Park's 11.6-mile loop of doom.

This was the hardest run I have ever attempted, and it is my fault. I am training in the flattest part of Tennessee. This is just another reason why cross training is so important. My butt will be in the gym next week for sure.

Another lesson learned on this trip was the importance of hydration. It was 75 degrees Saturday, so having water on-hand was a must (especially since the park has no water fountains). Also a must- sugar. Either through Gu or jelly beans or something. You are going to need that extra burst of energy on this kind of run.

I am BEAT, but that was fun!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I was out at 5:50 this morning to do my workout. The weather was very comfortable. I feel like I do so much more when I walk/run outside. I only got about 35 minutes in before I needed to get ready for work, but it was great. Hope everyone else is having an awesome week of fitness.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ellie's Run for Africa

There are lots of perks that go along with racing- the stunning physique, jazzy shoes, free T-shirts... But for those of us who are getting more familiar with racing, we know it is SO much more than that.

When you sign up for Ellie's Run for Africa (a 5K cross-country run and family fun day at Percy Warner Park on June 13), 100% (not a portion) of your registration is donated to helping school children in Africa.

$25 a year allows a child to attend school at the Calvary Christian School in Kibera, a slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Kibera is just over one square mile, yet is home to more than 800,000 people. That small cost provides books, uniforms and shoes that children need to enroll.

And there are perks to learning more about charities like Ellie's Run....
Like cool, trendy parties (which you are invited to attend, by the way):

I hope to see you at the swanky party and the race! And don't forget to bring the whole family.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Mix it up!

Now that I am technically a long-distance runner, I have found that the same ole running paths get a little old.

Percy Warner Park (Google Images)

This week, our running group (which, if you don't know the story there- I stalked them on the Greenway in Murfreesboro and have been running with them ever since- about two months now)... anyway, we're going to Percy Warner Park to do some hill training.

On my Runners World training schedule, I'm supposed to log 18 miles Saturday, but if you've been to Percy Warner, you know why I won't need to put in quite that much. This park has the hills, folks. OH Man.

For any of you running the Country Music Marathon this year, their Web site lists Percy Warner as a great place to run. They also list several other places to check out.

And I can't emphasize enough the benefit of finding a group to run with. Running has become a very important part of my life, and I am lucky to share it with folks who feel the same way. They are a great source of encouragement, support and expertise.

There are runners EVERYWHERE. Find a buddy and get out there!
Sarah B.